How to Water During the Summer

It’s July: the temperatures are running high and our rainfall is at a low for the season. This July is particularly brutal as we face down some record heat. You’re not alone in the struggle to stay cool and hydrated during these hot months; your garden is right there with you. How can you support your green friends this time of year? Our nursery manager, Rebecca, is here to give you a little … [Read more...]

Invasive Species of the Hudson Valley

It's Invasive Species Awareness Week! You've definitely heard the term, but maybe you don't know exactly what it means. An invasive species technically refers to anything that wasn't here back when the first European settlers arrived in the Americas in the late 15th century. While all invasive species disrupt the native environment, some pose more of a threat than others. Here's a look at some of … [Read more...]

Beneficial Insects in the Garden

It’s that time of year again: aphids, sawfly larvae, scale insects, and other bugs are appearing all over your garden.  But along with these pests come beneficial garden insects that help to control - and sometimes take care of entirely - the populations of garden pests. So hold off on the neem oil or other insecticidal soaps until you know what you're looking at! Ladybugs Adult … [Read more...]

What a Wet Spring Means for your Garden

Spring sprung late this year and with it came some serious rain. Prolonged winter and a rapid rise in temperate in late April made for wet conditions everywhere. While rain is great for your landscape, an unusually wet spring like this can pose some unique challenges for your garden. Warm, wet weather can help your plants thrive, but it also turns your landscape into the perfect environment for … [Read more...]

The Year in the Garden: 2017

Between opening our new building and expanding our inventory, 2017 was a whirlwind for us at the nursery. With all the unusual weather, it was a whirlwind for the garden too! Wondering why your garden stayed green til October? Lamenting the short, late foliage season? Here's a breakdown of what happened and why. Winter January and early February were cold and snowy. Snow fall can be a pain, but … [Read more...]

Pruning in the Fall Like a Pro

It’s that time of year. Your perennials are past bloom, your trees are dropping leaves. Getting your garden ready for the oncoming winter months might seem a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a quick break down on pruning and other winter prep tasks. Pruning Perennials Once your perennials are past bloom, you can prune whenever. Prune them right on down to the ground. Don’t … [Read more...]

Encore: A Second Bloom for your Perennials

As the summer fades, you may be in pre-mourning for your perennials. The traditional growing season is nearly over. Sure, you’ve got your fall interest plants and late bloomers, but the really stellar perennials are already past their prime. However, some perennials can give you an encore if you care for them properly. August is the best time to start this process, to make sure you have time for a … [Read more...]

Gardening for Other Pollinators

Aside from bees, there's a huge variety of creatures that pollinate and help maintain our ecosystem! Here's a quick guide to just a couple. Make sure to check out this post to learn more about gardening for pollinators in general. Butterflies Butterflies are attracted to many of the same types of plants as bees. Both love bright colors, sweet scents, and prefer small or shallow flowers with … [Read more...]

Planting a Pollinator Garden

June is National Pollinator Month! What's a pollinator? A pollinator is any animal that helps move pollen from one plant to another, aiding in fertilization and propagation. The most famous pollinator is the bee, but there are plenty of others, including butterflies, moths, beetles, bats, and many birds (especially hummingbirds!) Pollinators are vital to the natural environment, as well as the … [Read more...]