Lilac – Plant Profile

Syringa vulgaris Common Varieties: "Miss Kim", "Lincoln", "Mme. Lemoine", "Miss Canada", Dwarf Korean, Persian Lilac Description: Lilacs are a type of deciduous, flowering plant that's generally a shrub, but some varieties can become trees. They're famous for their fragrant clusters of flowers that appear in late May. Lilac is a multi-stem, woody shrub covered in broad, bright green … [Read more...]

Planting Bee Gardens

You don't have to be a beekeeper to support your local bee population. Bee gardens can be as lovely and low-maintenance as any regular garden, and feature some perennial favorites! In general, bees prefer small or shallow flowers with easy access to nectar. Sweet-smelling and brightly colored will help draw bees in, and providing more structural plants like woody shrubs and trees can make your … [Read more...]

Planting a Pollinator Garden

June is National Pollinator Month! What's a pollinator? A pollinator is any animal that helps move pollen from one plant to another, aiding in fertilization and propagation. The most famous pollinator is the bee, but there are plenty of others, including butterflies, moths, beetles, bats, and many birds (especially hummingbirds!) Pollinators are vital to the natural environment, as well as the … [Read more...]