How to deter Groundhogs from Spending Quality Time in your Garden

It’s that exciting time of year again when our flowers are blooming, and our gardens are starting to produce vegetables that are almost ripe and ready for picking.  But then we start to notice beautiful flower heads going missing, and same with that almost ripe tomato or head of lettuce has been picked right off too. Who is the culprit of all this? Probably groundhogs unfortunately, and most … [Read more...]

Removing Japanese Beetles from Your Landscape

As the weather warms up at the end of May, you might notice some new visitors to your landscape. Japanese Beetles are those iridescent green and orange bugs you see on trees and flowers, usually in stacked pairs. They tend to hang around in big groups, usually on tree trunks or stems. Whether you’re a veteran gardener or new DIY-er, you probably know what a pest these guys can be. Japanese … [Read more...]