It’s that exciting time of year again when our flowers are blooming, and our gardens are starting to produce vegetables that are almost ripe and ready for picking. But then we start to notice beautiful flower heads going missing, and same with that almost ripe tomato or head of lettuce has been picked right off too. Who is the culprit of all this? Probably groundhogs unfortunately, and most … [Read more...]
How to deter Groundhogs from Spending Quality Time in your Garden
The Boxwood Species and its Large Family
The Boxwood Species, (Buxus Sempervirens) happens to be one of the most popular shrub types in most landscape projects today. With almost 200 varieties of Boxwood out there, it is an evergreen shrub that is native in many different regions. A good majority of the Boxwood family grows slow and short and is often used for borders or edging around houses and in landscape designs, while some others … [Read more...]
What We All Want: Deer Resistant Plants!
One of the most common questions people ask us at the nursery is “what can I plant that is Deer Resistant?” Living in the Hudson Valley we all know the deer are everywhere, so finding the perfect plant that won’t get destroyed is important when planning your garden. Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as we would all like it to be. Below is a list of several recommendations by our expert … [Read more...]
Popular Plants That Are Invasive, and What to Plant Instead!
Planting season is in full swing and so is our garden center. With so many flowers, shrubs, trees, and bushes to choose from for when deciding what to plant next, our knowledgeable nursery staff would like to remind you which species are not good for the environment or your garden. Some of these may surprise you, but don’t worry, we will give you several alternatives to choose … [Read more...]
Arborvitae: Why We Love Them
You’ll find Arborvitae virtually everywhere in the U.S. Also known as Cedar or Thuja, this evergreen can be spotted in hedges in front yards, store fronts, parks and more. Why is it so popular? Well, here are a few of our favorite things about Arborvitae. Sound Cancelling: Live near 87 or another busy road? Have a noisy neighbor? Arborvitae can help. Arborvitae has thick, dense foliage, so … [Read more...]
Ornamental Grasses: Why We Love Them
Ornamental grasses may seem the Plain Jane of the perennial world – but that’s not really the case. Sure, they are low-maintenance and fast-growing, but that doesn’t mean they're boring. Need convincing? Here is our short list of reasons perennial grasses can be one of the best plant investments for your landscape. Did we mention they’re low maintenance? Once installed, ornamental grasses … [Read more...]
Salvia – Plant Profile
Common Varieties: "Meadow Sage" (the most common perennial Salvia), "May Night". Similar and Related Plants: Lavender, Nepeta "Catmint", Russian Sage. Description: Salvia is the name a a group of plants in the mint family, including sage. Since it refers to a group and not a specific plant, Salvia plants come in a huge variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. The most common varieties found … [Read more...]
Rose Bush – Plant Profile
Rosa Common Rose Bush Varieties: "Ballerina"; "Bonica"; "Knockout". Description: Rose bushes are hardy, deciduous shrubs that feature iconic roses throughout the year. Blooming from early spring until late fall, they have a long bloom period making them ideal for year round interest. Their flowers come a huge array of colors, but most commonly shades of white, pink, and red. The flowers … [Read more...]
Spirea – Plant Profile
Spirea, genus. Common Varieties: "Bridal Wreath"; "Meadowsweet"; "Goldmound"; "Goldflame"; "Snowmound"; "Magic Carpet"; "Neon Splash". Description: ‘Spirea’ actually refers to over 80 varieties of deciduous shrubs, making it one of the most diverse plants available. Its features and habits will vary greatly depending on variety, but that also means it’s easy to find the right fit for every … [Read more...]
Tri-Color Willow – Plant Profile
Salix Integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Common Names: Tri-color Willow, Dappled Willow, Variegated Willow Description: Tri-Color Willow is a deciduous shrub with long stems and delicate, narrow leaves. New growth in the spring is soft pink, and regular leaves are mottled and vary from pale green and yellow to white. In the fall, it sheds yellow leaves to reveal bright red twigs. Planting and … [Read more...]