July Newsletter

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When and Where should I be Mulching?

When asking yourself if you should be mulching or not, the answer is always yes! The next questions is then how much and how often to mulch? Mulching too much, not enough or not with the right kind can be detrimental to your plants, so lets find out more! SOME OF THE MAIN REASONS TO MULCH: Retain water in the root area. Cooling of the root area. Nutritional break-down. Insect, … [Read more...]

Arborvitae: Why We Love Them

You’ll find Arborvitae virtually everywhere in the U.S. Also known as Cedar or Thuja, this evergreen can be spotted in hedges in front yards, store fronts, parks and more. Why is it so popular? Well, here are a few of our favorite things about Arborvitae. Sound Cancelling: Live near 87 or another busy road? Have a noisy neighbor? Arborvitae can help. Arborvitae has thick, dense foliage, so … [Read more...]

Forsythia – Plant Profile

Forsythia suspensa Other Names: "Golden Bell" If you live in upstate New York, you’ve probably seen forsythia before. Those gorgeous yellow blooms are the first sign of spring. They’re also one of the most popular choices for hedges and foundation plantings. Description: Forsythia is a deciduous shrub that, left untouched, can grow to 8' in height. It's stems start green, but with … [Read more...]

Ornamental Grasses: Why We Love Them

Ornamental grasses may seem the Plain Jane of the perennial world – but that’s not really the case. Sure, they are low-maintenance and fast-growing, but that doesn’t mean they're boring. Need convincing? Here is our short list of reasons perennial grasses can be one of the best plant investments for your landscape. Did we mention they’re low maintenance? Once installed, ornamental grasses … [Read more...]

Tri-Color Willow – Plant Profile

Salix Integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Common Names: Tri-color Willow, Dappled Willow, Variegated Willow Description: Tri-Color Willow is a deciduous shrub with long stems and delicate, narrow leaves. New growth in the spring is soft pink, and regular leaves are mottled and vary from pale green and yellow to white. In the fall, it sheds yellow leaves to reveal bright red twigs. Planting and … [Read more...]