November Newsletter 2024

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Quick Tips to Get Your Garden Ready for Winter

Autumn is here, and that means winter is next! We know, we're sad to see the growing season end too. But that just means it's time to help your garden get a head start on next spring! So here are our quick tips on getting your trees, shrubs, and perennials winter-ready before the fall ends. Planting This is the last window for planting before the frost! Fall is the best time to plant, especially … [Read more...]

Ornamental Grasses: Why We Love Them

Ornamental grasses may seem the Plain Jane of the perennial world – but that’s not really the case. Sure, they are low-maintenance and fast-growing, but that doesn’t mean they're boring. Need convincing? Here is our short list of reasons perennial grasses can be one of the best plant investments for your landscape. Did we mention they’re low maintenance? Once installed, ornamental grasses … [Read more...]

Tri-Color Willow – Plant Profile

Salix Integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' Common Names: Tri-color Willow, Dappled Willow, Variegated Willow Description: Tri-Color Willow is a deciduous shrub with long stems and delicate, narrow leaves. New growth in the spring is soft pink, and regular leaves are mottled and vary from pale green and yellow to white. In the fall, it sheds yellow leaves to reveal bright red twigs. Planting and … [Read more...]

Andromeda – Plant Profile

Pieris Japonica Other Common Names: Andromeda, Fetterbush, Pieris. Description: Andromeda is an evergreen shrub with thick, glossy green foliage. New leaf growth can vary from dark red to light orange or mottled in color, depending on variety. Leaves change in color throughout the year, usually turning deep red or purple in the fall and early winter. In the early spring and late summer, it … [Read more...]